We’re so happy you’re here

Our mission is to empower female identifying folks in the outdoor industry with funds to advance their for-profit businesses or projects with the ultimate goal of seeing more female identifying folks in leadership in this space. If you are a woman in the outdoor industry or a female founded operation with a project that benefits your for-profit business, or the greater good of diversifying the industry (or both!), we are here to help.

So how does it work? Founders, projects, or initiatives that align with our mission can apply to have The Outdoor Industry Women’s Association (OIWA) 501(c)3 apply and accept grant funds on their organization’s behalf. Most grants require organizations to have 501(c)3 status before applying, so OIWA 501(c)3 will act as an organization’s fiscal sponsor during the grant application process by providing administrative support that lets their project operate under our nonprofit status. We then assure that each organization uses the grant funds received to accomplish the overall goal of their project.

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